Thursday, January 13, 2011

Purple Ovals Suck

I curse you purple oval, for making me unsuccessfully hunt you for 3 weeks straight, constantly having to renew your game, Candyland Castle, from the library.

I curse you purple oval, for racking up 30 cents in overdue fines just because you were comfortable hiding in my home.

I curse you purple oval, for impeding the return of Candyland Castle, therefore allowing ample opportunity for your cousins, green triangles and red squares, to be lost as well.

I curse you purple oval, for making me hunch over repetitively, peering in dusty corners, causing my back to ache in pain.

I curse you purple oval, for burying yourself in the depths of the couch cushions, not only culminating my 3 week quest rather embarrassingly, but also undermining my ability as a good housekeeper.

Love, Light, and Purple Oval Burden Free, MARS

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